Daily UXW Challenge — Day 12

Estela Mizukawa
2 min readAug 26, 2022

I’m participating in the UX Writing Challenge, provided by Daily UX Writing. So for 15 days, I’ll be posting daily, with the results of my work and I hope to get some feedback from you. Thanks in advance!

The scenario of the challenge is a user is creating an account and when they come to the step where they are asked to enter their name, they get an error message. A fraud detection software thinks their name is fake — but it’s wrong 5% of the time. The challenge is to, using 45 characters maximum, write an error message that prompts them to fix the error without shaming them for having a fake-sounding name.

This type of error is very sensitive, and there isn't much a person can say to mitigate the frustration or the aggressive feeling a user might get into when facing this type of situation. So the empathetic approach here would be to ask for the user to take a second look at what they have typed in and check for misspellings or any error of this kind and if the user confirms the information, the system should just move forward creating the account.

Here’s the solution I’ve come up for this challenge:

Two cards with the instructions for challenge #12 and the solution for the challenge

I’d appreciate any feedback from you.

Thanks and see you next time! :)

Feel free to connect with me.

*About the UX Writing Challenge — Provided by https://dailyuxwriting.com. 1 of 15 short exercises are delivered to our inbox every day for 15 days, including: a scenario, a challenge and the maximum number of characters we have to work with. We are supposed to write and edit our solution as fast as we can, preferably under ten minutes, and then share it to get feedback from others.

*Sobre o UX Writing Challenge — Oferecido por https://dailyuxwriting.com Todos os dias, 1 de 15 exercícios curtos são entregues em nosso e-mail, por 15 dias, incluindo: um cenário, um desafio e a quantidade de caracteres máximos que podemos utilizar. Devemos escrever e editar a resolução do desafio o mais rápido possível, de preferência abaixo de 10 minutos, para então compartilhá-la para receber avaliações de outras pessoas.

