Daily UXW Challenge — Day 15 and final

Estela Mizukawa
2 min readAug 31, 2022

I’m participating in the UX Writing Challenge, provided by Daily UX Writing. So for 15 days, I’ll be posting daily, with the results of my work and I hope to get some feedback from you. Thanks in advance!

For this final challenge, I was supposed to use the browser on my mobile device to log in to Facebook, tap the menu icon, and tap Create New Page in the Pages section.

The task was to rewrite the page creation and user onboarding experience.

Card with the instructions for challenge #15

For this final challenge, I tried to use less jargon terms than Facebook and used more direct sentences while directing the user how to create a Page.

For the button on the first page, I used a verb that had a direct relation to what the user was about to do: to create. About the other buttons, I repeated the word that Facebook uses — "next", except for the last one, which I chose to indicate to the user that it was the last screen they were to fill before finishing creating the Page.

Here’s the solution I’ve come up for this challenge:

I’d appreciate any feedback from you.

Thanks and see you next time! :)

Feel free to connect with me.

*About the UX Writing Challenge — Provided by https://dailyuxwriting.com. 1 of 15 short exercises are delivered to our inbox every day for 15 days, including: a scenario, a challenge and the maximum number of characters we have to work with. We are supposed to write and edit our solution as fast as we can, preferably under ten minutes, and then share it to get feedback from others.

*Sobre o UX Writing Challenge — Oferecido por https://dailyuxwriting.com Todos os dias, 1 de 15 exercícios curtos são entregues em nosso e-mail, por 15 dias, incluindo: um cenário, um desafio e a quantidade de caracteres máximos que podemos utilizar. Devemos escrever e editar a resolução do desafio o mais rápido possível, de preferência abaixo de 10 minutos, para então compartilhá-la para receber avaliações de outras pessoas.

